Network Setup, Upgrades, Configuration & Maintenance
Gigabit Router / Firewall
Any business must have a firewall in place to protect their inside network from the outside world. Hackers are scanning for open ports all day all over the world. Once found, they can use it to connect to the associate device in your inside network. Once an open port is found, next the hacker tries to break through the authentication by attempted thousands of passwords in a matter of minutes through their own hardware and software. Once the the username and password is revealed to the hacker, that inside device in now in their control... What can make the matter worse is through that inside device, more than likely they will have access to everything else in the internal network... Its easy to find open ports and its ease to guess standard username and passwords through dictionary attacks... Hackers are doing this all day, everyday on the internet. Its very important not to use common usernames like Admin or Administrator and simple to guess passwords...
A firewall protects against hackers by blocking all ports and leaving open only what is needed. A hardware firewall should be place right after your ISPs modem. Its design to use its processing power to check all packets for vulnerability before it goes into the network.. Firewalls also protect again viruses.
If you have multiple locations, we can setup a Virtual Private Network which is an encrypted tunnel connecting the two locations as if they were in the same network.
A firewall protects against hackers by blocking all ports and leaving open only what is needed. A hardware firewall should be place right after your ISPs modem. Its design to use its processing power to check all packets for vulnerability before it goes into the network.. Firewalls also protect again viruses.
If you have multiple locations, we can setup a Virtual Private Network which is an encrypted tunnel connecting the two locations as if they were in the same network.
Gigabit Switch - 8, 16, 24, or 48 Ports